Given the important contribution of genetic variants to CKD, practitioners with CKD patients are advised to “think genetic,” which specifically involves obtaining a family history, collecting detailed information on age of CKD onset, performing clinical examination for extrarenal symptoms, and considering genetic testing. In March of 2021, Kidney Diseases: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) held a Controversies Conference on “Genetics in Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)” to review the current state of understanding of monogenic and complex (polygenic) kidney diseases, processes for applying genetic findings in clinical medicine, and use of genomics for defining and stratifying CKD. All of these steps rely on accurate interpretation of genetic data, which can be outpaced by current rates of data collection. Genetic findings are increasingly used to inform clinical management of nephropathies, and have led to improved diagnostics, disease surveillance, choice of therapy, and family counseling. Numerous genes for monogenic kidney diseases with classical patterns of inheritance, as well as genes for complex kidney diseases that manifest in combination with environmental factors, have been discovered.